Business Ideas To Start In This Pandemic

This pandemic bring everyone doubt and no assurance whether their source of income will be stopped or  cut. We are thinking of options to have an extra income or to have a new source of income.  One option we could think of is to start our own business.  Here are some business ideas that you can start in.


  1. Food Business
    Venturing in food business is common to every Filipino. If you think of starting a business, one thing that first comes in mind is to start  food business. We can search lots of ideas in the internet or to invent our own. We can start on Street Foods which the ingredients and materials are affordable and is easy to prepare. Milk Tea, burgers, and fried foods is one of the trendy snacks in the country.  The ingredients  are easy to find and there are lots of video tutorials that can be found online.  You can watch bunch of video tutorials online for reference and maybe you can catch an idea to make your own signature food.
  2. Service
    If you think that you can’t cook but has special skills or talent, you can offer it and make it as your source of income. If you kow some plumbing or electrical service, you can offer to anybody by advertising to facebook or other social media platforms.  If you know how to play musical instruments, you can advertise your service on the internet, and in-house service is a plus.
  3.   Delivery
    The shopping system change when this pandemic starts. Every businesses are venturing online for a safe and fast-pace shopping.  Because of this, delivery became a fast moving business.  From food, groceries, or even clothing were engaged to deliveries. If you happen to have a motorcycle or even a bicycle, you can apply for some delivery companies like Food panda, Grab, Toktok, etc. You can simply search on the internet for some delivery companies you can apply. You can also look for some store that offers delivery and can apply as their delivery personnel.
  4. Online gift and souvenir
    If you are creative and havea crafty talent, you can put an online gift or souvenir shop. People are still celebrating birthdays and other ocassion and some are looking for gift or souvenir.

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